5 Tools that Show Value Proposition of your Product

5 Tools that Show Value Proposition of your Product

Value Proposition: the short, yet captivating statement that informs your user of why he is interested in your product.

While it can be difficult enough to capture the benefits of your product into one simple statement, the nature of the value proposition is specifying its content according to each individual customer (among many!). However, the more pointed the value towards the customer at hand is, the greater volume your product can speak. And with all the competition out there, its good to get your voice heard!

Here are 5 tools to boost the sound of your Value Proposition:

1. Value Proposition Canvas by Strategyzer

The canvas devises a framework for how to understand the experiences of both the customer and product individually, and how to approach each experience in light of the other. The goal of this canvas tool is to meet both yours and your customers’ needs, as clearly and concisely as possible.

In his Value Proposition Webinar, Benson Garner explains how to use Strategyzer’s Value Proposition Canvas, a tool for structuring compelling similarities between what a product has to offer and what the specific customer really needs.

value proposition canvas questions

2. Roojoom

Roojoom is an online marketing intelligence platform that uses personal Content Journeys to increase engagement and convert prospects into leads. By creating your Roojoom, you create a platform that guides readers throughout each step of a content journey, according to your guidelines.
The idea behind this is that you re-package/modify your existing content material according to each individual customer profile. The UX is therefore personalised and fine-tuned according to the elements which you deem most suitable to his/her feedback.

Like the customer profile in the Value Proposition Canvas, the Roojoom you create zooms in on the user’s defining factors, shaping content to produce a responsive experience for and to that user.

Just as your value proposition must capture the fundamental elements of the customers’ specific needs and goals, Roojoom allows you to assemble the entire framework of your customers’ engagement from beginning-to-end: channeling the content direction from start-to-finish.

3. Visual Presentations


source: thenextweb

Visual presentations often bear much more potential than text in conveying a message. Infact, Facebook pages who post status updates with visuals in the form of videos and photo albums create up to 180% stronger engagement. When translated into a visual image, information becomes better retained, and transmit a much larger quantity of information.

When it comes to value proposition, we want users (and all viewers) to be as engaged as possible with our content, and we want any information that we deem fit to resonate among them with ultimate clarity and strength!

Why not communicate the practical use and scope of your product thru visual aids, showing your customer a real-life, colorful view of what it would be like to use your product?

emaze is a great tool for creating visual presentations.

4. Infographics

value proposition infographic

source: Quick Sprout

Infographics are a fun, innovative way to communicate information. Business2Community explains that infographics are a big hit nowadays because the text becomes simple, and the images are wonderful. What could be better than a beautiful, yet simple way to help your customers understand the glory of your product?

Our favorite tools to create infographics are PiktoChart, Infogr.am and Canva.

5. Landing Pages

In their 2012 Lead Generation Benchmark Survey, Marketing Sherpa maps out the most effective methods for testing value proposition, as reported by 64% of their survey participants:
value proposition
Landing pages took home the medal, honored for the flexibility and freedom of content choice that they offer marketers.

This flexibility, the report explains, enables marketers to identify which of their page components produced a high conversion rate, lower bounce rate, and finally, more qualified leads.

Tools such as unbounce, pagewiz, and leadpages, allow users to create a landing page (to ultimately test your value proposition), enabling marketers to create a fast, simple, yet targeted landing page for their testing.

Wrapping Up

Your value proposition can be glorified by using one or all of these 5 tools. Whichever it ends up being, the more you propose clarity, the clearer the value of your product will be.

Have a favorite Value Proposition Building tool that you didn’t see mentioned above? Tell us about it in the comments!

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