By Contributor

Director of Onboarding and Prevention

Make Them Crave Your Product
Make Them Crave Your Product
When trying to reach your customer base, is your brand awareness highly dependent on social media platforms and on online marketing at large? You can probably relate to the jam-packed online audience that is drowning the select people who are...
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13 Interactive Content Tools to Make Your Brand Stand Out
13 Interactive Content Tools to Make Your Brand Stand Out
Is your company blog’s bounce-rate lower than 30%? Do readers stay longer than 3 minutes on average? I assume most of you answered ‘no’ to both questions. Why do we marketers care so much about bounce rate and time spent...
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How to Turn Your Corporate Blog into a Conversion Magnet
How to Turn Your Corporate Blog into a Conversion Magnet
You probably know that while visits are nice, leads, well, are so much nicer. Simply put, blogging for the sake of driving more traffic to your website doesn’t cut it any more. You need to find a way to monetize...
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5 Tools that Show Value Proposition of your Product
5 Tools that Show Value Proposition of your Product
Value Proposition: the short, yet captivating statement that informs your user of why he is interested in your product. While it can be difficult enough to capture the benefits of your product into one simple statement, the nature of the...
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Map Your Buyer’s Journey to Maximize Revenue
Map Your Buyer’s Journey to Maximize Revenue
In a recent Forrester survey, 74% of business buyers said they conduct more than half of their research online before making an offline purchase. What does this mean for marketers? Buyers are in control! At Our recent Roojoom Meetup, co-hosted...
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11 Ways to Ace Content Repurposing
11 Ways to Ace Content Repurposing
Have you ever concluded that one or several of your content pieces have performed exceptionally well? Even significantly better than other pieces? Your content (and all those involved in it’s creation) deserves a hearty pat on the back, as well...
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